1981: Sunnydale in Zwitserland

From 29 June to 26 July 1981 I went to the girls school Sunnydale in Wilderwil near Interlaken in Zwitserland.


Sunnydale in Wilderswil-Interlaken
The daily program

Frühstück is breakfast; Englisch is English; Französisch is French; Deutsch is German; Mittagessen is Lunch; Sport is sport (our teacher was American); Siesta is siesta; Tee is tea; Zimmerreinigung is room cleaning; Nachtessen is diner; Freie Zeit in Wohnhaus is freetime!; Lichterlöschen is light off.

Sitting on terras. I am 2e on the right.
On Saturday we always went to Interlaken for shopping.
Theater play of Wilhelm Tell. Apple on head!!